
01 Jul: Alyn and Deeside – Who is standing up for this community?

Alyn and Deeside – Who is standing up for this community? Most importantly, who is showing up for this community?…

Net zero
27 Jun: When will our government use a common-sense approach to the green agenda, and how many jobs and lives will it impact?

I expressed my dismay back in February about how both the National and Welsh governments were neglecting the impact of…

no farmer, no food, no land
26 Mar: Flintshire Council has a Vision but No credible plan for the Future of its communities.

In Flintshire’s LDP they are hoping to build some 7,000 + new houses between 2020 and 2030 to accommodate growth,…

einstein reform
23 Feb: Reform Welsh Conference – Port Talbot

I had the privilege to speak at the recent Welsh Reform Conference in Port Talbot on 4th February 2024. My…

take a stand
27 Jan: Why have I decided to run for the local MP for Alyn and Deeside?

Recently a few questions have been raised why go into politics if you want to help the community in Alyn…

fixing a broken britain
10 Jan: How do we grow Honesty back into Politics?

As Sir Kier Starmer does his election speech for BBC and talks to a generation about “a new project Hope”…